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If done right, decorating your coffee table tray can introduce real style and sophistication into the living room or lounge. It’s all too easy to let your coffee table start to look unsightly by letting old crumpled magazines pile up.
If done right, decorating your coffee table tray can introduce real style and sophistication into the living room or lounge. It’s all too easy to let your coffee table start to look unsightly by letting old crumpled magazines pile up. Your footstool coffee table is intended to be the focal point of the living space.
Not only is it there to serve a purpose to provide somewhere for tired feet and double up as spare seating when guests pop round for coffee. It should also act as somewhere to proudly display decorative items to enhance the space.
This should be done with the use of a good quality coffee table tray that compliments the footstool coffee table or ottoman. These are flat and sturdy which means precious items can be displayed without the fear of them being toppled and broken.
It sounds obvious, but the starting point is to choose the right tray. One that looks good, suits the space, isn’t too big or too small and is the correct colour to coordinate with any existing furniture.
It’s hard to go wrong with a wooden tray. These are usually lacquered which means they’re more hard wearing and durable when it comes to being resistant to the odd drinks spillage.
These are easy to keep clean and dust off. Choose a shade of wood that matches the colour of any wooden legs/feet of the coffee table/footstool or sofas and chairs in the space.
The Devil is in the detail and even the colour of any curtain poles or other wooden furniture should be considered.
The most popular shapes are rectangular and round. Either of these are fine as long as you select a suitable size. The tray shouldn’t fill more than one third of the surface area of the coffee table.
Anything bigger than this means it would just look crammed in. It also
means that there is still space available should anyone wish to take a seat or rest their feet on it
There’s a few things to consider here. Choose items that are contrasting or complementary colours to the colour of the fabric upholstery of say your ottoman or coffee table which is best.
Carrying out a little research on this will pay dividends. Again, as with the size of the actual tray, don’t overfill the space. Items that are too big, just won’t work.
Also as with planting arrangements, placing items in odd numbers looks natural
and just seems to work. Try and create further interest by using items of varying heights.
One way to add some height would be to use a large candle or vase. Not only should the items be of good quality and mean something special to you and your loved ones, they would be even better if they served a purpose.
Why not choose something that can add further hiding space for handy, but unsightly items? A small, decorative box with a lift up lid to hide car keys and USB cables etc would be invaluable
This is down to personal taste, but should always look neat and not overcrowded. The items should be personal to you and your family, such as items you may have purchased whilst travelling.
Some items to give you a good starting point would be; vases, candles and scent diffusers, decorative coffee table books, paper weights, plants and perfume bottles.
Fresh flowers in a vase would be rather nice and bring an air of freshness into the home. They’ll never get boring as the choice of flowers will change with the seasons.
Whilst shopping around online, you’re sure to find something that’s just right. Look for good quality and be willing to pay just that little bit more and the item you purchase will look aesthetically pleasing and stand up to the test of time.